Why I Chose this Quote as part of my Brand Identity

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I decided to create and use the quote "Birmingham Children's Hospital, helping families smile again" across all my branding. In this blog post I'm going to discuss why I chose this quote and why personally like it.

Reasons as to why I chose this quote:

  • It helps establish that the documentary is closely linked to Birmingham Children's Hospital. 
  • It's relatively short and therefore easier for the audience to remember and harder for them to forget. Sometimes if quotes and messages are too long they become boring and the audience don't finish reading them and therefore they're mad pointless.
  • The word "families" gets across the theme of a strong family bond, and helps to portray the idea that you're stronger as a family than an individual. This word also allows the audience to identify with the documentary as everyone has a family and therefore can relate in some way, shape or form, following Bulmer and Katz, use and gratification theory.
  • The word "smile" links to the theme of happiness and love which again are presented throughout my documentary. 
  • "Helping" suggests that the hospital, as well as the patients families and loved ones are supportive and caring, putting the patients at ease as there not fighting their battles alone. 
  • The word "again" suggests that the families will fight through their illness and come out the other side, creating a sense of positivity and perseverance. 
  • Although the quote is only short, in some respects it follows Todrovs narrative theory as the word "again" implies that the family was once happy and well, which would be seen as an equilibrium, then the equilibrium is disrupted as the family suffers from an illness, Birmingham Children's Hospital then recognises and resolves the illness creating a new, happy equilibrium. 
  • Overall I think the quote flows quite nicely and I think the slight use of alliteration "hospital, helping" helps the quote to roll of the tongue. 


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