Filming Locations Outside of the Hospital

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I've been considering locations to film outside of the hospital, as I thought I could use them to open/end my documentary or during interviews as viewers may get bored just watching a person speak to the camera. Here are a few of my favourite locations in which I would like to film outside of the hospital.

Image result for birmingham children's hospital
This is the entrance to the hospital. I would like to film this as I feel it's a beautiful building that has relevance to my documentary topic. This building is symmetrical on the other side and main doors are in the middle so I thought I could pan from one side of the building to the other.

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I think it would be good to film the entrance sign. As it would inform the audience where the documentary is set, it also proves that the documentary is filmed inside the hospital itself. The small circular sign to the left looks as if it's been drawn by a child emphasising that this is a children's hospital full of innocence and youth, which helps to build emotion.

Image result for bullring
I was thinking I might include a shot of the bull outside of the bullring shopping centre, as the bullring is well known and I'm sure many viewers will be able to relate to this setting. I thought it may work well as it gives a wider picture of the city as a whole before focusing purely on the hospital itself. However I'm not sure if I should just stay focused on the hospital and my documentary topic.

Image result for birmingham cathedral
Again Birmingham Cathedral is a well know building, which viewers can relate with. It's beautiful, authentic and eye-pleasing however I'm not sure how relevant it is to my documentary. I think I will film it anyway so I have the option whether to include it or not.

Image result for birds eye view birmingham
I was hoping I could borrow a drone of one our family friends to film a birds eye view of Birmingham city. I thought I could show off and present the city from above then end by focusing on the hospital. I thought this may be a nice way to open my documentary. If I don't have access to the drone, I thought I could always go to the top of a multi storage car park and film from up there although I'm not sure if this will work as well, however I'm willing to give it a go.


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