Birmingham Children's Hospital Charity Website

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In this blog posts I'm going to be discussing the pro's and con's of the Birmingham Children's hospital charity website. This will hopefully help me decide weather I prefer it to the Birmingham Women and Children's hospital website or not and therefore helping me to conclude which website I will use for inspiration purposes.

Advantages of the website
Disadvantages of the website
Colours- I really like the strong, bold red colour associated with the website. Red is a colour of strength with connotations of love and theme in which I want to invest in heavily.  
Too many pictures- you could argue that the website uses too many photos, taking the viewers attentions away from the text and factual information.  
Stories- the personal stories help the audience to relate and identify, giving them a sense of belonging and preventing them from feeling isolated and alone. This is particularly important for viewers experiencing or suffering from illnesses.
Too similar- you might say that each page uses the same layout and format which perhaps may become boring and repetitive.
Pictures- as they say a picture speaks a thousand words. People prefer to visual information than read it, therefore the use of the photographs in the websites will help to keep them engaged.
Are some pages too simplistic- some pages only contain 1 image and a small amount of writing, is this too simplistic and a waste of a page?  
Interactive- the website is very interactive and addresses the audience nicely. It contains texts and messages using pronouns such as ‘you’ and ‘we’ making the audience feel involved.
Wide target audience- the website is aimed at a variety of viewers, helping to increase the target audience. The ways in which they expand the audience is by suggesting things such as ‘fundraising at home’ ‘fundraising at work’ ‘fundraising at school’ etc.

(click here to view website)


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