Analysis of Our Planet Documentary Poster

Image result for our planet

The first documentary poster I'm going to analyse is Our Planet this is a nature documentary based on the theme of wildlife. Here is the poster:

Image result for our planet documntary poster

The title of the poster is subtle yet bold. It’s clear and visible and therefore attracts the audiences attention. It is clearly shown what channel that the documentary will be presented on and the date it will be aired, providing the audience with all the information they need in order the access and watch the documentary. The central image is large, and the mise-en-scene is simple, therefore allows the text to be seen clearly as the the background is fairly plain. The colours, image and mise-en-scene all link nicely to the documentary topic. The sub text includes the audience by using the word ‘we’ this makes them feel involved and therefore will encourage them to watch the programme. The setting alone gives the audience a sense of escapism (Bulmer and Katz, use and gratifications theory) this will invite and encourage the audience to watch the program as it will take them somewhere extraordinary and out of their day to day lives which will be exciting and different for them. 


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