Analysis of Making a Murderer Documentary Poster

Making a Murderer is a documentary focusing on the themes of sinning and criminal actions.

Image result for making a murderer documentary poster

The colours straight away connote darkness and sinning as they're dull and basic. The fact that the central image is more like a sketch than a photograph creates a sense of unknowingness as we are unaware of what the killer looks like, making the poster even more fearful. The mise-en-scene setting makes it look as if the character is having he's photograph taken in prison, linking back to the ideas of crimes and sinning. The sans serif font is strong and bold, representing how an audience would expect a murder to look. Last but not least the audience is informed as to where the documentary will be shown (Netflix). Making the Netflix logo the only thing in colour may have been purposely done as red (the colour of the logo) has connotations of blood, danger and death all themes associated with the documentary.


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