Analysing the Jesy Nelson: Odd One Out Documentary Poster

Image result for jesy nelson

The next poster I'm going to analyse if Jesy Nelson: Odd One Out. This relates to the themes of strength, bulling, mental health and social media.

Image result for jesy nelson documentary poster

The title informs us straight away who the documentary is about and if the viewers are unaware of who Jesy Nelson is then the central image will inform them. Jesy's facial expression is smily and content implying that Jesy has overcome her downfall and is now on thee other side, informing us that there is likely to be a happy ending. The mise-en-scene background is plain and pink, keeping the main focus on Jesy herself. The colour pink has connotations of a stereotypical girly girl implying that this could happen to any female not just Jesy. The fact that Jesy's costume is blue makes it stand out compared to the background linking back to the title 'Odd One Out'. The title is in a san serif font linking back to the theme of power and strength and the logo in the bottom left corner informs us as to where the documentary will be shown and therefore where thee viewers can find it.


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