A Miracle From Heaven

Image result for a miracle from heaven movie

'A Miracle from Heaven' is not a documentary, but a film based on true events. The film was made in 2016 and follows the story of Annabel Beam, a young girl from Texas suffering from a rare, life threatening digestive disorder. Annabel Beam overcomes this disease with the help and support of her loving family. The overall story of Annabel is really quite extraordinary. The doctors and consultants send her home to enjoy her last few days of life and although Annabel was tired and weak she still wanted to enjoy the outdoors for one last time. Her sisters encouraged her to climb a huge, hollow tree (something they often did before Annabel became ill) and this is when the unexpected happened. Annabel fell straight through the middle of tree. Air ambulances, press, everyone arrived at the scene terrified that the little girl was no longer alive, however she survived, with not one broken bone, no cuts and scratches, nothing. After this Annabel started to feel better, she had more energy, she was running, jumping and being a child once more. Annabel (who was a religious child) informed her parents that she had an out of body experience when falling through the tree, she told them that she went to heaven and that she felt better there, she went on to tell her parents how she asked God if she could stay in heaven as she didn't want to suffer any longer on earth, God replied and told her that she would be better and that the pain would be removed, Annabel trusted God and returned to earth as a new child, a healthy child, a happy child. Throughout the film we follow Annabel's narrative and get a strong sense of love, hope, fear and family support. I think that this film/true event links nicely to the themes and ideas which appear in my documentary production, therefore in my next blog post I'm going to analyse the film poster for 'A Miracle for Heaven' to see if I can gain any inspiration or new ideas.

To find out more about the story of Annabel Beam follow these links;
(click here to watch an interview with Annabels mum)
(click here to read about the full story in more detail)
(click here to view movie trailer)


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