What Archive Photos I Chose for my Documentary and Why

You may think picking archive photos for my documentary was a quick and easy job to do, when in fact it was more difficult than it seemed as there were so many photos to chose from.

I chose to use this I think it shows how happy and well Lavinia was and what a close family bond she had, making the news of the liver disease even more shocking and devastating.
I chose this photo for the same reasoning as the previous photo, as it shows how healthy Lavinia looked.
This is a photo of Lavinia and her brother on holiday and is presented when Carl is explaining how Lavinia's symptoms were first noticed when they were abroad, therefore this photo reflects on what he is saying.
This images shows Lavinia going down for surgery, suggesting that the results from this operation is what informed her that she had auto immune liver disease and changed her life.
This image shows the audience that her dad was in the surgery room with her, giving a sense of a strong family bond, and implying that Lavinia has a loving, caring family that are there for her.
This is the first proper photo we see of Lavinia looking not looking well and therefore it gives the audience an insights into how ill she actually was.
This image helps to show that despite what was going on around her Lavinia maintained a positive mindset.

This picture helps to show the change in Lavinia's health as she is now in a hospital bed, with cannulas in her hand and her blood pressure being taken. I used this photo in particular as I think I photo speaks a thousand words, so rather than just getting interviewees to explain how poorly she was, the audience can visualise it. Photos also prevent the interviews from being long and boring as they give the viewers something else to look at.
When Hattie says that the hospital became a second home to Lavinia this photo is presented. I chose this photo as it shows that she had visitors and therefore her stay was more than temporary.
This photo was chosen for the same purpose, to show that Lavinia had visitors and therefore her time in hospital was lengthy. It also shows what good support she had from friends and family highlighting the importance of family bonds.
Again this photo helps to show the strong unit Lavinia had around her during this traumatic time.

The following videos help to show how fit, healthy and active Lavinia is now, emphasising how incredible the staff at Birmingham Children's Hospital are, as they helped her get better, bringing her back to her old self. The cheering in the running video once again shows how much love and support Lavinia has from her friends and family, giving the audience a warm, humble feeling. In my actual documentary I've cropped the videos so they aren't quite as long.

(click here to watch video number 1)

(click here to watch video number 2)

(click here to watch video number 3)

The following photos I chose to place at the end of my documentary. They show the journey of Lavinia and brother from early ages right through to the present tense. This helps to show how their family bond remained strong despite everything that they had to go through. 


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