Interview with a Member of the Fundraising Team

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This is an interview I took with a member of the fundraising team at Birmingham Children's Hospital. This interview was taken a while ago and was one of the first interviews I took, it's slightly blurry and the sound isn't great as there's lots of background noise. The background noise I'm not worried about as much as there's a tool on Premiere Pro that allows you to quieten it, however the focus of the video is an issue and therefore I will have to reshoot this at some point. This member of the hospital is easier to access to film as there's less forms for her to fill out and she has more free time, I also have her direct email address allowing me to contact her easily. I was thinking that if for some bizarre reason I can't re-film her I could always use her voice as a voice over to explain here role within the hospital over the top of some nice shots of the fundraising team and hospital itself.

(click here to watch video)


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