Voice Over Script

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I've not yet decided on who will do the voice over in my documentary however I've written a rough script of what I want them to say and what facts I want them to get across. 

Rough Script-
Birmingham children’s hospital is based in the heart of Birmingham city and is one of the UKs leading specialist paediatric centres, offering expert care to 90,000 children and young people from across the country every year.

Their Liver Unit is the UK's premier paediatric liver unit and one of the busiest in the world.

Due to their incredible work and specialist skills the amount of children surviving liver transplants has risen from 40% to 90% in the last quarter of a century.

The Liver Unit provides highly-specialised treatment for children with all forms of liver disease, including auto immune hepatitis, this is a life long liver disease which is cause when your immune system attacks your liver this is an extremely rare disease that effects roughly 10 in 100,000 people. 


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