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I decided to create a story board as I thought that this would give me a clear idea of what my final production will look like and therefore what I will need to film in order to get it completed on time. I've spoken to Birmingham children's hospital who say that they'd be happy for me to film the liver consultant during the holidays, they just need to confirm a date for when they are free, they also informed me that there may be a child with auto immune liver disease who would be happy to take part, although I am well aware that I will need their parents permission first. This story board has been created as if the child is in it and can definitely take part and be filmed. I haven't been told the patients name yet, so in my story board I've just named them as A.

Close up shot of A in front of Birmingham children's hospital.
A is centrally framed and faced front on to the camera.
Diegetic sound of A introducing themselves- "Hi my names A, I have auto immune liver disease and this is my home for ? weeks a year"
Lasts for 6 seconds before panning to the entrance sign of Birmingham Children's Hospital.

Mid shot of the entrance sign. 
Non-diegetic inspiring/uplifting music begins to play.
Lasts for 3 seconds, then cuts to the next shot.

Long shot of A stood in front of the hospital doors.
A is centrally framed,
Non-diegetic music continues.
Lasts for 3 seconds before A walks in.
The camera follows.

A montage of A's day begins.
Long shot of A playing in the liver ward play unit.
Non-diegetic music continues.
Lasts for 3 seconds before fading into the next clip of the montage.

Montage of A's day continue, including shots of her having her lunch, shots of her watching tv etc. 
Non-diegetic music continues. 
Each montage clip lasts for about 3 seconds.

Montage continues. 
A shot of A in school at the hospital appears. 
Non-diegetic music continues. 
Again the shot lasts 3 seconds. 
End of montage. 
Fades to a black screen. 

Title appears. 
Non-diegetic music fades into silence. 
Lasts 4 seconds before fading into the next clip.

Close up/mid shot of A's mum. 
Diegetic interview of her talking about her and her child's experiences at Birmingham Children's Hospital. 
Lasts up to 2-3 minutes. 
Keep changing camera angel.

Archive photos of A previous to being treated appear as A's mum is speaking. 
Non-diegetic VoiceOver of A's mum.
Images stay on screen for 6 seconds before cutting back to A's mum. 

Long shots of Birmingham city and the exterior of the hospital also appear as A's mum is speaking. 
Non-diegetic voice over of A's mum.
Shot's last about 7 seconds all together.
Cut back to A's mum. 

Fades from A's mums interview to black. 
Black screen lasts 2 seconds before cutting to an interview with the consultant. 

Close up/mid shot of the consultant informing us about the liver, in particular auto immune liver disease. 
Diegetic interview with the consultant. 
Lasts 2-3 minute. 

Image result for simple map of birmingham
Map of the UK appears as the consultant is talking. 
Zoom into Birmingham and point out where the hospital is. 
Lasts 7 seconds. 
Non-diegetic VoiceOver of the consultant over the top. 

Image result for liver diagram
Liver diagrams also appear as the consultant is speaking. 
Non-diegetic VoiceOver acting as the voice of god over the image. 
Lasts 5 seconds before cutting back to the consultant to finish his interview. 


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