Opinions on Documentary Titles

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A while ago I brainstormed some title ideas for my documentary. I personally liked the title 'One Liver. One Chance.' However I thought I should ask other people to get there opinion as well. I asked them the question if you saw the following titles on television:
1. One Liver. One Chance.
2. The Liver Doctors
3. Confusing Conditions
4. Rare Diseases
5. Looking After Your Liver
6. Auto Immune Liver Disease
which one would you most likely want to watch and why?

Name: Suzanne
Age: 48 
Favourite title: Confusing Conditions or The Liver Doctors 
Why: Confusing Conditions because auto immune liver disease is a confusing condition and there's lots of different severities. The Liver Doctors the title itself explains clearly what the documentary is about, and I would watch that as I have a daughter with a liver condition and therefore am able to relate. 

Name: Carl 
Age: 52
Favourite title: One Liver, One Chance
Why: The title says exactly what it is on the tin. Look after your liver, you only get one chance, and I don't think enough people do take care of this organ. 

Name: Camilla 
Age: 16 
Favourite title: One Liver, One Chance or Confusing Conditions 
Why: They both sound intriguing and are both programmes I would want to watch.
Name: William
Age: 20
Favourite title: The Liver Doctors
Why: Sounds good and educational, which is good for a documentary.
Name: Beth
Age: 21 
Favourite title: The Liver Doctors
Why? It's a good strong title that would make me want to watch the programme

Name: Mags
Age: 77
Favourite title: Looking After Your Liver
Why: To make people aware of the importance of maintaining a healthy liver.


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