Researching Auto Immune Liver Disease

Before I start filming I want to research Auto Immune Liver Disease once more so that I can fully understand my documentary topic. I think it's important for me to be knowledgable about my topic as I am aiming to educate my audience. The use and gratification theory suggests that one of the reason people consume media texts is to educate themselves, therefore I must educate myself in my documentary topic in order to educate others.

These are all the documents and leaflets I looked at:

This leaflet was about pre admission clinic, where patients go the day before having a procedure. Although this was interesting and stated what patients with auto immune liver disease must do the day before an operation, I don't think it related to my topic as well as other leaflets did. 

These 2 booklets were about coeliac disease (gluten-free) as auto immune liver disease links hand in hand with this condition. 

This was all about when the doctors use cameras to look inside the patients, allowing them to examine the liver. 

These booklets were about the medication given to patients with auto immune liver disease.

This booklet stated all the tests in which must be carried out in order to identify liver problems and diseases. 

This leaflet was probably one of the most informative as it stated the role of the liver and the importance of the liver. 

This package was personal to me and listed all the tests, operations etc. in which I had before being diagnosed with auto immune liver disease. 

This leaflet was very helpful as it gave definitions for all the medical terminology, helping me to understand any words I was unfamiliar with. 

These documents were about procedures and operations which may take place when you have auto immune liver disease. 

This was about being put to sleep before any procedures and operations, and wasn't particularly relevant to my documentary topic. 

This folder contained many smaller booklets and explain everything to do with the liver and Birmingham Children's Hospital. 

In this leaflet it explains the causes, risks and solutions of portal hypertension. Portal hypertension can be a result of pressure from the liver. 

These leaflets were all about transitioning from the children's hospital to the adults hospital and therefore aren't relevant to my documentary topic at all.

This booklet was the most helpful and relevant of them all, as this is predominantly what my documentary is about. 

This is another medication in which many auto immune patients take, this leaflet states the importance behind it. 

This sheet is given to all patients weather their condition is liver related or not. It is simple and informs you how to wash your hand properly to avoid getting any infections. 

These leaflets are almost like welcome introduction documents into Birmingham Children's Hospital and in particular to the liver unit. 

As we are in a children's hospital these booklets state the risk of drinking and smoking not only to children with liver conditions and diseases but to any children at all. They also talk about not giving into peer pressure. Although they were very interesting they weren't very relevant to my documentary. 

In this video below I am going through all the documents and leaflets that Birmingham Children's Hospital has even given me, making myself fully aware of the condition auto immune liver disease.

The following pages are from the documents and leaflets in which I looked at and are the pages in which I personally found most useful and informative. They give relevant facts about auto immune liver disease and the liver in general. 


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