Production Diary

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Wednesday 20th November 2019-
Today I did 2 practice interviews, 1 with my friend Paula and 1 with my brother Will. Unfortunately neither of them went to plan. When I went to film Paula the memory card in the camera was full, and when I filled my brother the lighting wasn't great making him out of focus. When filming Will I also had trouble working the microphone, however and the filming progressed I worked out how to use it properly. I'm glad that I had these problems today as it meant that I had a chance to solve them before going to Birmingham tomorrow.

Thursday 21st November 2019-
This morning I had pre admission in the hospital. My consultant has changed which meant that unfortunately he hadn't received the consent/permission form in time. He said he would be happy for me to film him, but it would have to be another time (in a couple of weeks), this means that sadly he won't be able to feature in my preliminary task but I'm coming back to Birmingham over the Christmas holidays and he's pretty certain it will all be sorted by then. Apart from this problem everything else went to plan. I got lots of footage of the hospital entrance, ambulances, welcome signs, nurses in the ward etc. I also got some exterior shots of the hospital and shots of Birmingham city itself.

Friday 22nd November 2019-
Today I had my procedure and everything went so well that the doctors let me come home one day early. Although this was great news it meant that I had one less day of filming, but luckily I managed to rearrange filming times with the members of staff meaning I got to film everyone I needed to including one of the nurses, a dietician and a member of the fundraising team.

Saturday 23rd November 2019-
I started editing my documentary on premiere pro, it took me a while to get used to it again as I haven't used it much since last year. Once I familiarised myself with the tools again, I managed okay and got the majority of my preliminary task edited.

Sunday 24th November 2019-
I finished editing my documentary and added some non-diegetic music. I reverted back to iMovie to finish editing, purely because I was concerned that I was running out of time and iMovie I was more familiar with, however I'm well aware that premiere pro looks more professional and advanced and therefore I will edit my final documentary using this editing app only. I was happy with my final product although there are things in which I would like to improve when I come to filming and editing my final, neat documentary.

Sunday 1st December 2019-
I watched my preliminary task once more before uploading it and realised that there were a few things in which I could improve, therefore I made some small, slight changes.

Sunday 8th December 2019-
This afternoon I interviewed another dietician who very kindly came to my house as she doesn't live that far away. I was happy with what I filmed but perhaps would like to refill some bits as I think they could be improved.

Saturday 11th January 2020-
Today I interviewed a lady who's daughter has suffered from auto immune liver disease, it took me a while to get the microphone working which caused a few problems, and to start with she was slightly nervous in front of the camera but after a while we both got into it and it all ran smoothly.

Sunday 12th January 2020-
This morning I interviewed the husband of the lady I interviewed yesterday and this went great. Later on I went to my neighbours house and filmed them asking what auto immune liver disease was. The younger members of the family struggled to say the condition but apart from that it was fine.


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