Pros and Cons of Producing a Sports Documentary

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After analysing the trailer for Mo Farah's documentary 'No Easy Mile' I began to consider filming my final documentary on an athlete. I myself play many sports such as hockey and tennis, so therefore I already have an interest in the topic, which I think is really important because if I am passionate about my documentary topic, I will enjoy producing it and therefore the end product is likely to be better. To start with I thought producing a documentary on a sporting superstar would be impossible as I don't know any well known athletes, however I later came up with the idea that I could produce a documentary on upcoming athletes, athletes who aren't yet famous. Straight away 2 friends popped to mind- Pia Murray (swimmer) and Caro Hulme (hockey player). So what I thought was an impossible documentary idea, became a possible, realistic option. 

Pia Murray

Caro Hulme

After discovering this I decided to explore the pros and cons of producing a documentary based around a sporting genre and here were my results:


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