Moving onto Year 13

I'm extremely excited to be moving into year 13 and getting the opportunity to create my own documentary. I'm planning on taking the skills I learnt in year 12 and improving and developing them to make a strong final product. This year I'm going to carefully plan how and when I when film my documentary and I will be prepared that it may take more than 1 or 2 attempts to get it spot on, as I felt that last year sometimes I was left rushing around trying film franticly. I now understand as well that it's not just as simple as filming what you want and that you have to think about the camera angles carefully and where you want the actors to be positioned, on top of planning the setting and miss-en-scene around them, these are all small things that I thought wouldn't make that much of a difference but once filming my final product properly I could clearly see that these small techniques were actually what bought my piece together. I will also be prepared to do my documentary research and look carefully at the codes and conventions behind the genre as I believe that this knowledge will be essential when filming my final piece. I can't wait to get started as I already have lots of ideas that I'm very enthusiastic about!


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