Fonts And Titling

Different films and film genres use different fonts and titling.

Old films and fairy tales are likely to use serif fonts as it links to the era of when the film was set. Other films such as Toys Story and Jaws use sans-serif font but for different reasons. Toy Story is a modern film for children, therefore using sans-serif font makes it easier it read. Jaws uses sans-serif font to emphasise the fact that jaws is large, bold, dangerous creature.

Romances are likely to use serif fonts, giving off a dreamy effect, romance films are like to be written in red or pinks, colours associated with love. In romantic films sometimes the letter ' I ' has a love heart above it rather than a dot, this emphasises the fact the films main is love.

Comedies usually use sans-serif fonts as their bold, funny films. The titling colours are likely to be yellows and blues, simple yet effective, bright, happy colours.

Thrillers use a mixture of sans-serif and serif fonts, however are almost always written in dull, dark colours such as blacks and blues, to link to and connate the scary and creepy events that place within the film.

Horror films prodominatley use serif fonts, as this font is linked to the past and usually in horror films, events from the past are bought up and come back to haunt characters, or ghost (people who lived in the past) are scaring them. Black and greys are used to give a mysterious feel, as well as reds which is the colour of blood as well as danger.

Sci-fi films use very up to date, modern fonts almost always sans-serif, this is because they're films that are usually set in the future, blues are likely to be used in sci-fi films as sci-fi's are normally set in space and blue is associated with the sky.

Action films use sans-serif fonts as they contain lots of adventures scenes, and usually have quite a strong, powerful, central protagonist.


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