Narrative Theories

This is a simple mind map which I created in order to get me thinking about the narratives which we could use within our own film. Narratives which we are currently looking at consist of Levi-Strauss, binary oppositions, we thought this would work well between Eddie and Monty the 2 male characters who are fighting over the fem fatale. We don't think that Todrov's theory is appropriate as our film opens with a disruption between the 2 males, before flashing back in time, therefore our narrative will be non-linear. Propp's theory will work as we have a princess, the fem fatale who is a reward for either of the 2 males. We also have a protagonist the gangsta and an antagonist the detective, strangely these characters don't have the roles in which we'd expect. We also have many enigma codes throughout purely to create suspense and to keep the audience on edge encouraging them to continue watching.


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