My Pitch

My Movie Pitch (preliminary task)

Mainly neo noir with elements of romance and action.

'Love Affair'

Basic Story Line-
There are 2 men, Monty and Eddie fighting for the love of the fem fatale, Ruby. This causes friction between the men anyway and to make things worse Eddie commits a crime and the detective attempting to solve it is inconveniently Monty.

Ruby: this is the fem fatale who the males are fighting over, she's a flirty, feisty woman always looking for love. She's a strong, determined lady that challenges the typical female stereotype.
Monty: this is the detective who is a very intelligent man, he is husband to Ruby. Monty believes they have a happy marriage however Ruby disagrees, as Monty is a very controlling and strict husband. This causes Ruby to rebel building up Monty's anger and frustration.
Eddie: he quite a cool, calm character that's desperate to earn money. He's a charming, trouble maker who we can't help but love. Unlike most people he's not afraid of Monty and ready to challenge him.

                            Monty                                      Ruby                                        Eddie                                

There are numerous themes including, love, crime, dreams etc. the more themes within the movie the more people that can relate, leading to a larger target audience.

Opening 2 minutes-

This will be in a non-linear order so after the opening 2 minutes we will use a flash back to show the where the story begins. To set the scene it will a dark, misty night which we will show in a long-shot with non-diegetic classical music playing over the top. A car will then enter the premise at this point we are unaware of the driver, Ruby comes trotting out of the house all glammed up with her classic bright red lipstick and jumps in the car, here we are introduced to the driver- Monty, Monty hints for kiss from the fem fatale, Ruby follows his instructions so leans in and kiss him gently on the cheek however when she leans out it's no longer Monty's cheek we see but Eddie's this informs the audience that she's seeing 2 men at once. Eddie and Ruby are in bed together when Eddie leaves waving her goodbye before hopping in his car, as he's in the car he receives a phone call, at this point the audience doesn't know who the caller is, Eddie ends the call by saying "meet me at the lake, in 10 minutes, 1 second late and I'm gone" he then loads a gun before driving away. Eddie soon arrives at the lake and is glancing in the water when he sees Monty's reflection appear. As an audience we don't know what is being said however it end with the 2 men pointing there guns at one another this is followed by a gun shot, however we are still unsure as to who has died or if anyone has died. This cuts to Ruby dressing herself for a funeral still we don't know who's. As she's getting ready she glances at a picture of Monty she has framed besides her bed and pulls out a picture of Eddie from her bra. This leaves the audience with many unanswered questions before flashing black to where the story really begins.


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