Blade Runner

The original Blade was directed by Ridley Scott. It's a sci-fi, fantasy, neo noir film that was released in 1982 with a sequel that came to cinemas in 2017.
Blade Runner contains the classical characters that we expect to see in neo noirs. Rick Deckard plays the part of a retired blade runner, however he's forced to re-join the squad. A blade runner represents the role of a detective a key part within neo noir, from this information we are almost certain that Rick will fall in love with Racheal the fem fatale. Racheal is young and beautiful, with bright red lipstick, typical of fem fatale. To begin with this red lipstick represents love as she draws Rick in with her good-looks and attractiveness, however it soon symbolises danger and threat as Rick realises she's a replicant, leaving him with huge problem. There are numerous other characters that fit in with the noir genre however they also shows the sci-fi and fantasy genre too as many of the characters have unhuman like manners as well as appearance. 
Blade Runner created a very real, yet futuristic LA. They managed to make the setting dark and mysterious by using dull colours such as black and blues, these colours also indicate to the genre of noir. The long shots in which they use to portray the city allows us as an audience to see clearly, the size of the city as well as the futuristic vibe in which it's giving off. The small flickering city lights also gives a very modern tone to the film differentiating it from a classic film noir to a neo noir, however these lights could take over from the traditional street lights which are associated with film noirs. The neon signs add more colour to the scenery which don't see in film noir, this helps classify the movie as a neo noir as well as making the setting look futuristic. 
The fake family photos owned by Racheal play a very significant part. They give her a point of orientation in the world as well as a sense of identity. She needs these photos to remind herself that she exists as they ground her to reality. Without these photos we get the impression that she would be lost and vulnerable. Another important prop is the nail in which Roy drives through his hand. This makes him into a slave who suffers for the sins of humanity. At the ends when he releases the dove it symbolises his innocence and soul. The origami creatures hint at a weird sense of humour that each viewer could in interpret a different way. The gun and cigarettes that are used within the movie represent danger and threat, 2 themes in which we often associate with noirs. 
The music in Blade Runner is mostly a dark, melodic combination that mirrors the futuristic setting. 
Music plays a huge part in films as it helps create the atmosphere, mood and era in which the film is set. The music in Blade Runner is mysterious and puts the audience on edge, encouraging them to continue watching. Blade Runner Music
Appropriately the clothing in this movie is dark and edgy. Pri's fashion has a punk vibe which relates nicely to her character and personality as well as giving a futuristic feel. The fishnets and torn nylon highlights her feisty personality. Racheal on the other hand wears the classical fem fatale outfit, she wears grey and black suits, these dark colours indicate mystery and threat, and the fur coats we often see her in signal that she is the classical detectives love interest. Gaff's bowtie makes him seem odd and quirky. The clothes do seem modern and futuristic however they still reflect a classic 40's noir fashion. 
The lighting we see in Blade Runner is often dark and dull which we often see in film noir. The dull, shadowy lighting gives a sense of mystery and threat. This hooks the audience in. Sometimes the lighting they use prevents us from seeing the actors faces fully, this leads to the idea that not all the characters are who we assume they are, and that they may be hiding secrets.


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